Going on a trip is so exciting when it comes to planning the trip, packing for the trip, and actually going to the airport. Sometimes, you arrive early and do not know what to do or have a long layover that you just need to figure out how to pass the time. I have 18 airport tips and hacks that you can do to occupy your time and avoid boredom.
Be prepared because this is a long post. I think it would be helpful if you read this blog post about airport tips and hacks before you actually go to the airport because you might want to get some of the stuff I mentioned before your trip.
Of course, if you are already at the airport and reading this, you can just do things that are readily available to you. Let’s dive in.
Here, I made a list of 18 things you can do as a solo traveller while waiting for your flight at the airport:
You can do this if you’re travelling with family and friends too.
Watch YouTube Videos
There are so many types of videos you can watch on YouTube from comedy to travel, and from cooking to making crafts. The problem will be choosing what you want to watch and how many you can watch without draining your phone/laptop/IPad battery.
It’s an entertaining way to pass time, but do watch out for the time so that you don’t miss the boarding of your flight!
Read free magazines
While waiting for M at the airport for our flight to Charlotte, I found these free magazines on stands. Even though they are not the latest ones or popular ones, you can read them to pass time.
Use the free Wi-fi
Different airports have Wi-fi procedures. Sometimes they just require you to put in your email and give you an hour usage for free. Other times, they want you to give your passport information. It really depends so check with your airport.
Listen to the conversations around you subtly. Please do not be tempted to participate in the conversation or start laughing when they said a joke. Unless you really want to… then do it quietly.
Read your Kindle / Read a book
Read. Get absorb into your book or Kindle or listen to an audiobook.
What kind of books do you like to read? If you have kids, they’ll love to hear you read a storybook to them. I find the ones with pictures are the best for younger ones. You can also ask them questions after about why they thought certain things happen or what they think happens next.
Brainstorm to-do/see lists
If you’re going on vacation, you can use this time to think about what you want to see or do at your destination. If you’ve already planned everything, you can think or daydream about what you look forward to seeing or doing – how much fun you’ll have.
Walk around
Stretch a little and explore the area. You’ll never know what you can find by walking around the airport. You might be able to find a quieter seat where you can relax before heading back to board your plane.
Listen to music
Put in your headphones and listen to your favourite playlist while you wait. You can even decide beforehand what you want to listen to and curate your list. Be aware of your surroundings, especially when it’s close to boarding time. You love your music, but you’ll also want to pay attention when they are calling passengers to board.
You can also check out Spotify. They have a free version.
Set an alarm before you nap so that you don’t miss your flight. You can always continue your nap or sleep on the plane if you’re really tired.
People watching
Feel free to do some people watching, but not in a creepy way. It’s so cute when I see a kid trying to explore the world around him/her being in the airport for the first time.
Watch news on TV
Some airport terminals have TV broadcasting news. I know that Toronto Pearson airport has that. You can watch it while waiting for your flight. They might not always have sound, but they most likely have closed captioning so you’re able to read it.
Crossword puzzles
If you love crossword puzzles, you can buy crossword puzzles or Sudoku books from the dollar store and keep yourself busy. An air stewardess I know wants to go to Dollarama every time she visits just to buy Sudoku books for her mom. It’s affordable and Dollarama has a ton of variety.
You can buy Sudoku online here.
Play games on your phone or Ipad
If you have enough batteries, play the games you downloaded on your phone or IPad that doesn’t use a lot of wi-fi or data. This usually helps to get rid of boredom while you wait for your flight.
Eat & Drink
If you know that you’re not going to enjoy aeroplane food, you might want to eat and get a drink while waiting for your flight. I find that airport food is quite expensive so if you want to bring food from outside, be sure to check what you are allowed to bring in your carry on luggage.
Take pictures or time-lapse videos
You can take pictures with the planes or take a time-lapse video of the planes coming and going. Some airports have art installations you can check out. You can also record yourself as you explore the terminal and refer to it later for memories.
Charge your electronics
If you think you might not be able to charge your electronics on the plane, you’ll want to charge them at the airport.
You can also bring your own battery bank, be sure to charge it the night before.
Use the washroom
You want to try to use the washroom before you get on the plane. This way you can take your time and also not feel claustrophobic in the tiny washrooms on the plane. Also, you won’t be embarrassed by how long you have been in the aeroplane washroom while others wait in line for you.
18. Use the lounge
Check out your airport to see if there are lounges you can use, whether by paying at the entrance or having access through the airline you are flying with. There’s always a lounge pass you can buy, but you have to see if it is worth it before buying it in advance.
Do you have anything to add to the list? Please let me know in the comments below and I will update them soon! Are you planning a trip soon? I would love to hear where you are going to next! Tag me on Instagram @makingdayscount on your feed or your Insta Stories where you’re going.
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